ARCS Fundraising

How can you support ARCS to assist Pierce County District 5 ARES? In addition to personal donations, and participating in our General Meetings and Training, you can also participate in online programs that provide charitable donations to ARCS. Please see the links below:
Ways to support ARCS:
Fred Meyer Stores:
Fred Meyer store customers, here is another way to support ARCS that doesn’t cost you anything. Similar to the program above, Fred Meyer, will make a charitable contribution to ARCS based on your rewards card purchases. This program is called the Fred Meyer Community Awards Program.
About the Fred Meyer Community Rewards program
Log in to your account, or sign up
Pierce County Amateur Radio Communication Services Fred Meyer Community Rewards organizational code: FB780
Amazon no longer operates its Amazon Smile program that previously donated 0.5% of every purchase to your chosen charity.
Donations to the ARCS are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Donors receive documentation of their donations for tax reporting purposes. Donations can come in many forms. We accept monetary donations as well as donations of some types of property/equipment. We are always looking for additional equipment that could be used to support our mission(s). If you are interested in making a donation, please contact either the Treasurer, or the Webmaster.